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  • Serhat, 1444. Sk. No:24, 06378
    İvedik Osb/Yenimahalle/Ankara
  • 9:00 - 18:00


Medico Teknik

Autoclave Time

For sterilization in autoclave devices, temperature, humidity time and pressure affect sterilization processes. For 10 to 20 minutes in a pre-vacuum autoclave under 1 atmosphere pressure at 121 degrees, in a non-pre-vacuum autoclave
Medico Teknik

What is Autoclave Features

You may want to get information about the features of autoclave devices and their usage areas. You can use autoclaves to study how various substances will react at high temperatures and under pressure.
Medico Teknik

What Autoclave Sterilizes

It sterilizes all autoclaved instruments, burs, canal instruments, surgical materials, hand instruments under pressure steam in the autoclave by keeping them in a chemical disinfectant solution against all bacteria and viruses.
Medico Teknik

What is Autoclave Medicine

Autoclave is a double walled metal sterilization device resistant to high pressure. Autoclave devices can be in forms such as square or rectangular. There are the following elements in autoclave devices.
Medico Teknik

What is Autoclave Device

The device used in the purification of microorganisms on or in a substance is an autoclave device. After the sterilization process, viruses, bacteria, fungi and all similar microorganisms are destroyed.
Medico Teknik

How Long Does the Autoclave Last?

If we look at the duration of the autoclave in general, the working time varies according to various factors in sterilizations. Conditions such as application of humidity, temperature, pressure in sterilization affect this process.
Medico Teknik

Autoclave Pasteurization

The autoclave pasteurization process is another area of ​​use for autoclave devices. Pasteurization is a heating method used in the food industry to purify nutrients from disease-causing microorganisms.
Medico Teknik

Medico Teknik

When to Shut Down Autoclave

For the question of when the autoclave is closed, it is necessary to understand the working principle of the device first. When the sterile process is finished with autoclave, that is, 15-20 minutes at 121 degrees, 30 minutes at 115 degrees, three to
Medico Teknik

What are Autoclave Controls?

If we summarize what autoclave controls are, these controls check the placement of autoclaves, the state of preservation and insulation, pressure and vacuum welding, suitability of weld seams, deformation and corrosion status, cell and jacket conditi
Medico Teknik

At What Degree Does the Autoclave Open

How many degrees the autoclave opens is generally a matter depending on the pressure gauge indicator. If this indicator is between 1.5 -2.0 Atm, the steam valve opens and steam is allowed to enter the autoclave. After this process, the sterilization
Medico Teknik

What Should the Autoclave Pressure Be?

What should the autoclave pressure be? The temperature, application times and pressure sufficient to ensure sterilization in pressurized steam sterilization are 1 atmosphere and 15 minutes for 121 degrees, 2 atmospheres and three minutes for 134.
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Medico Teknik


Autoclave equipment is widely used in medical and laboratory technology. In addition, autoclaves are widely used in industries such as the pharmaceutical and sanitation industries. So what does an autoclave do and what are its features?
Medico Teknik

Sterilization of Medical Wastes

Sterilization is the process of making infected waste (medical waste) harmless by exposing it to high pressure, high temperature steam for a certain period of time. In other words, microorganisms are inactivated by humidity, heat and pressure.
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Medico Teknik
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